Tide Mill Database

Map of U.S. East Coast tide mill sites from the TMI tide mill database. (Click to enlarge.)

The Tide Mill Institute is developing a database of information about tide mill sites worldwide. The database is available to the public at https://tidemillinstitute.org/Portal/.

Currently, the database includes locations and detailed data for more than 600 tide mill sites in North America, Western Europe and Australia. The database is intended to be continually updated as information becomes available. All are welcome to submit information about specific tide mills by emailing portal@tidemillinstitute.org. Questions about the database can be submitted to the same address.

The database has most sites indicated by markers on a Google map of the world. As with other Google maps, the viewer can zoom in and out and choose a map or a satellite view. Clicking a site marker displays available text information, photos and links to documents and related external materials. Sites can also be searched by name in a tabular view.

The database also contains information about people and events related to specific tide mills.

Watch introductory video on YouTube

Please do not trespass to visit tide mill sites. Many are on private property or can be reached only by crossing private property. Please be courteous and respect owners’ property and privacy rights. Always obtain permission before entering private land.